How to Fix MMS issues on Straight Talk

Straight Talk MMS Settings Fix
MMS Settings Fix

Having issues with your MMS on Straight Talk? if you are not able to send or receive picture messages (MMS) on your straight talk phone, then you may want to double check the MMS Settings on your phone. If you are having issues with normal Text Messges (SMS), check this Guide

In this quick guide, we are going to review all Settings that could affect the MMS functionality on your phone. This is mainly focused for android phones (e. g. Samsung, HTC, Huawei, LG, Nexus, etc.).

Straight Talk MMS Troubleshooting

Please review each and every one of the following settings:

  1. Data is Enabled: First and Foremost, make sure you have a valid data plan from your mobile provider and it is enabed on the phone. To check this, please go to Settings, Connections, Mobile Network and Tab on Enable Data.
  2. Internet working: Let’s isolate the issue, make sure the internet is working on the phone, if you cannot use the internet on the phone, it means you need to setup the APN Settings on it. Please check this guide on how to enable the internet on the phone
  3. APN / MMS Version: If the internet is working, then we need to double check that you have the correct MMS settings on the phone. Also please note that Straight Talk is a MVNO (Mobile Virtual network Operator) it uses the infrastructure from different providers (AT&T, Verizon, T-mobile, etc.) If you are not sure please check our Guide to select the Correct APN Settigns for Straight Talk or Check this video to properly configure the correct APN on Straight Talk
  4. Check MMS Settings: When setting up the APN, inspect the following fields:
    • MMSC: This is important, as MMS services rely on this, use or
    • MMSC Proxy: try to use
    • MMS Port: Please use 80
    • APN Type: This is one of the most important piece of information. to use mms, on the apn type you should use – default,mms,supl – a comma in between with no spaces.
  5. Create separate MMS: if all the above settigns are looking good, let’s try to isolate the MMS settings, for this. On the APN Settings, delete MMSC, MMSC Proxy and MMS Port and set APN type to default,supl. Now, create a new APN and use APN type mms – and setup the values for the aforementioned fields.
  6. Install a MMS app: If you are still not able to use MMS on straight talk, then try using a 3rd party MMS app, such as Google Hangout (you can download form play store here) or you can also try Textra SMS

Straight Talk MMS Settings Fix
MMS Settings Fix on Straight Talk

Hope that with the Straight Talk MMS troubleshooting Guide we were able to help you fix the issue.

Please also take a look at this Straight Talk Messaging Issues Guide, where we show additional steps on how to Reset some of the messaging cache and Data