How to Set Up an iPhone APN Settings


    iPhone is the choice of many Apple lovers because it is “easy” to use and manage. Actually, many of you won´t ever need to set up your iPhone APN Settings because iPhone usually does not require to manually insert the APN settings at all. Somehow iPhone automatically recognizes the network settings from all the carriers all over the world and you don´t need to worry about the iPhone APN settings . BUT, if you encounter problems getting the mobile data activated and if you have iOS 9 version or below, the phone may let you manually set up the APN. Please follow below steps:

    1. Find and tap Settings
    2. Tap on Cellular
    3. Tap Cellular Data Options
    4. Then you will see Cellular Network

    for some iOS versions, this is the route:

    Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Options > Mobile Data Network.

    Once there, you should input the specific APN Related to your mobile operator, if you dont have it, you can perform a search in our site and find the one corresponding to yours

    You may also want to try to reset the network settings on your iphone:

    Go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Network, then tap Reset Settings. It will ask for your passcode and perform a network reset. Important to note that this will also erase any wireless network profile you may have installed in the phone, so you may need to login again

    If you cannot access the mobile data settings on the iPhone, you may try to load the settings through the safari browser, which you can check on the below video: